Sheep's Head

2011. Oil on linen canvas.
295 x 435 mm.
Private collection.



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About this work

This painting was part of a collaborative project between artSPACE durban and the Durban Art Gallery, in which artists were invited to choose a work from the DAG's archive and make a work in response to it. I chose Ram's Head by Alphonse Flouquet, a 19 th century painter. Flouquet's painting has the severed head of a ram grimly suspended by ropes against a dark backdrop. I decided in my work to present a more sanitized version of the same idea — a sheep's head with skin and horns removed, placed inside a glass container and set in a recessed space with drapery. In the modern world we have a different relationship with the animals we eat. How we see them has changed, or more precisely, how we don't see them.

This painting was also part of my show Assemblage at the Tatham Art Gallery in Pietermaritzburg.